Monday 26 May 2008


So I am in Stockholm. I will relate what has been good and maybe a little about the not so good. The flight was 10 hours, the nice thing was even though as a fat gal you overflow into other's seats, the gal next to me was really cool. None of those looks like "Jeez lose weight". I loved the movies, I watched 1 in full and the second one will probably finish on the trip back. The food was nice and the loo's were reasonably sized. Overall it was an ok 10 hours to Zurich. I somehow expected a bigger plane, like the one Jodie Foster lost her daughter in in Flight plan. So we landed in Zurich, me and my colleague. We literally ran to connecting flight, and I mean I have been slack on gym so I felt it. This flight was much emptier and the seat had more space. The worry about plane seats really got me thinking that there's no giving up on the losing weight goal, nomatter how long it takes I have to do it.
Landed in Stockholm, my bag I was told was on the next flight. Decided to look at this as God's way of helping me withmy luggage, cause I had a heavy hand luggage back. We took the Arlanda(cheaper rates on weekends) express to downtown stockholm and checked in at the Clarion hotel. I am in a moderate room, which is Ok.

On Sunday we were so tired, we went out to lunch, and a colleague had invited us for supper. We were so not impressed with what we saw but today I am loving Stockholm, it is Beautiful.

We went to play a game of Boule in the old town and believe it or not my partner and I won. There's the medal, ofcourse a shopping voucher would have been nice but its ok......
Tomorrow I hope to go for a walk in the morning.

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