Sunday 27 March 2011

Been so long.....I'm missing you baby

I'm lying in bed, reading and thinking. Thinking it is time to move closer to my True self again. Its been a while now that I have worn a mask or a costume that would help me cope with the changes in my life. I think I am ready to take off the costume and stand bare and naked again in front of the mirror. To really see myself and get out of the play or get out of character. Alcohol was a companion, men, shopping you name it.
Can I just walk now by myself.
The good things, the things that fill me with gratitude:
My daughter is happy with my mother, she has life there
The support group is growing strong, we are making the relevant contacts
I have some income coming in and I love the work I am doing. So many opportunities for growth
I have relationships that nurture me
I am meeting beautiful souls from which I learn how to walk more gracefully.
I've got family in this City that I am getting to know and appreciate their role in my life

I give thanks for my life. Nothing to change, perfect in its imperfection.

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