Tuesday 19 June 2007


I am due for a weigh in and i am reluctant to do. 1st cause i havent been exercising and 2nd i have been eating junk. over this last weekend i ate everything from Doritos(and not even the nice ones- nice being the blue packet ones), peanuts,sweets, biscuits, fried eggs. What is wrong with me, i keep on and on about how much i want to shed the fat but i am defeating my attempts.
Guess i have to get back on the horse and walk and exercise, i wish i could afford the stationery bike, then i could exercise in the afternoon while watching tv and chatting to the nanny and my baby..
even if i cant afford i'll probably buy it...


Miss E said...

Do you also have moments where you're going thru the chips, biscuits, etc. yet you're havinga conversation with yourself about how you shouldn't, how much you want to lose weight, how much what you're doing is keeping you from that and yet you continue? For me sometimes it seems like there are literally 2 people there!

Nomizana said...

Don't get me started on that....